Jam Operasional 10:00 - 18:00

Lensa Sony FE PZ 16-35mm f/4 G (SELP1635G)


In the Box
Sony FE PZ 16-35mm f/4 G Lens
Sony ALC-F72S 72mm Front Lens Cap
Sony ALC-R1EM Rear Lens Cap
ALC-SH172 Lens Hood
Lens Case
Limited 1-Year Warranty

Rp17.999.000 Rp19.999.000

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*Garansi Resmi PT. Sony Indonesia 1 (satu) tahun servis dan sparepart di tahun pertama.
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*Unit Barang dan Accessory 100% Original dan Baru ( Bukan Barang Second / Bekas / Rekondisi )
*Garansi 14 hari Tukar Baru ( Hanya berlaku apabila kerusakan dari pabrik / Factory Defect & Tidak Cover kerusakan Pemakaian)
*Wajib melakukan dan Menyertakan Video Unboxing untuk Claim Garansi 14 hari Tukar Baru.

A compact design with superb optics and a power zoom function makes the Sony PZ 16-35mm f/4 G an ideal choice for all types of creators, whether that means you shoot video, stills, or both. This ultra-wide lens is among the lightest in its class and the constant f/4 aperture strikes an ideal balance that is bright enough for available-light shooting while remaining portable for all-day shoots.

Key Features
E-Mount Lens/Full-Frame Format
Aperture Range: f/4 to f/22
Power Zoom Mechanism; Internal Zoom
Super ED, ED, and Aspherical Elements
Dual XD Linear AF Motors
Suppressed Focus Breathing
Physical Aperture Ring; De-Click Switch
Fluorine Coating, Weather-Sealed Design
Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm