Jam Operasional 10:00 - 18:00

Sirui Traveler 5A Aluminium Tripod with 3T-35

This high-quality travel tripod from SIRUI offer secure support for your compact or system camera despite its compact design. It is easy to handle in any situation and can be packed into any bag. The legs can be folded up by 180Β° meaning that the tripod can be collapsed to a height of just 31.5cm. Each leg is made of 5 sections with 4 sealed twist locks. The rubber feet ensure the tripod is steady on all surfaces. Cold-weather grips are a SIRUI standard offering control in cold weather environments. The Traveler 5 Series features a removable centre column. The head can also be mounted directly onto the tripod shoulder, increasing stability. For additional stability, there is a small keyring with a carabiner underneath the tripod shoulders so you can mount additional weight.


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Tripod perjalanan berkualitas tinggi dari SIRUI ini menawarkan dukungan aman untuk kamera kompak atau sistem Anda meskipun desainnya ringkas. Mudah ditangani dalam situasi apa pun dan dapat dikemas ke dalam tas apa pun. Kaki-kakinya bisa dilipat 180Β° yang berarti tripod bisa direbahkan hingga ketinggian hanya 31.5cm. Setiap kaki terbuat dari 5 bagian dengan 4 kunci putar yang disegel. Kaki karet memastikan tripod stabil di semua permukaan. Grip cuaca dingin adalah standar SIRUI yang menawarkan kontrol di lingkungan cuaca dingin. Traveler 5 Series memiliki kolom tengah yang dapat dilepas. Kepala juga dapat dipasang langsung ke bahu tripod, meningkatkan stabilitas. Untuk stabilitas tambahan, ada gantungan kunci kecil dengan carabiner di bawah bahu tripod sehingga Anda dapat memasang beban tambahan.

Tripod specifications (Including Head)
β€’ Material: Aluminium
β€’ Extendible and removable centre column
β€’ Reversible 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch screw for tripod heads or camera
β€’ Legs fold up by 180Β°
β€’ Sealed twist locks for secure support
β€’ Carabiner for stabilising and cold weather grips
β€’ Max. load: 4kg
β€’ Height with centre column: 37cm – 138cm
β€’ Height without centre column: 16cm – 102.5cm
β€’ Closed size: 33cm
β€’ Tube diameter: 10 – 22mm
β€’ Weight: 1005grams
– Colour: black

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Weight 2.5 kg

Tripod specifications (Including Head)
β€’ Material: Aluminium
β€’ Extendible and removable centre column
β€’ Reversible 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch screw for tripod heads or camera
β€’ Legs fold up by 180Β°
β€’ Sealed twist locks for secure support
β€’ Carabiner for stabilising and cold weather grips
β€’ Max. load: 4kg
β€’ Height with centre column: 37cm – 138cm
β€’ Height without centre column: 16cm – 102.5cm
β€’ Closed size: 33cm
β€’ Tube diameter: 10 – 22mm
β€’ Weight: 1005grams
– Colour: black

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